DuPage Prosthetic & Orthotic Services is known for the personalized service and attention to detail it offers each patient. Our practitioners are American Board Certified and combine compassionate care with their professional expertise to provide outstanding customer service and high-quality prostheses and orthoses for individuals of all ages.
We are here to serve you.
John Rooney
Licensed Prosthetist - Orthotist
Certified Prosthetist
Certified & Licensed Pedorthist
Ulcer Healing Orthosis® (UHO®)
DuPage P&O's patented Ulcer Healing Orthosis® (UHO®) for use by diabetics with foot ulceration is specially designed to help support the lower leg and foot. The design reduces mechanical stress on the bottom of an ulcerated foot by allowing blood flow to the ulceration encouraging healing while walking can continue.

Click here to learn more.
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